Welcome to Chateau d'Aix 2025
Make yourself at home on our website and learn all about the renowned summer courses in the idyllic region of Quercy in Southwest France. Chateau d'Aix dates from the early 15th century, and here in July and August you will find world-class teaching, inspiring music and theatre, glorious food and entertainment, all age groups and nationalities, and a large swimming pool. Participants return year after year.
Please read on, or you can scroll through the menu at the top of the page
The fascination and respect which the actors and musicians had for each other was precious and allowed for unique learning on both sides. The professionalism and inclusiveness infused into the program allowed for us to take risks and develop in ways we could not have anticipated Mirella Gruesser-Smith, piano student 2024, UK
Music at Chateau d'Aix
The piano summer school was founded in 1991 by pianist Paul Roberts and arts journalist Jenny Gilbert. Over the years they have maintained and developed their original vision: to nurture the highest standards of music-making in idyllic surroundings, bringing together teachers and pianists of international reputation with conservatoire students from around the globe. Amateur pianists are offered the same opportunities, a quality of teaching and insight they would rarely find elsewhere.
It is the combination of amateur and aspiring professional, and the wide mix of ages, nationalities and life experience, that give the summer school its unique musical and social ambience. Binding the whole enterprise is a commitment to hospitality. The food, wine and spirit of enjoyment combine with the intensity of the music-making to create a life-enhancing week.
Theatre at Chateau d'Aix
In 2025 we continue our exciting new project, A Play in a Week. Exclusively for actors either entering or returning to the profession, and running in parallel with Course 3, it also provides a unique opportunity for pianists and actors to observe each other's work. See the Theatre page for an outline of the course and click here for how to apply.
It’s quite special when the craft shifts you and you are held in it by such loving people like you all. It’s been deeply moving to share this week with each of you and your art Selena Bouri, theatre participant 2024, Lebanon

Music at Chateau d'Aix
21 July - 15 August
- Master classes for advanced students
- Workshops and individual teaching for amateurs
- Emphasis on the psychology of performance and how to communicate music without fear
- Ample opportunities for practising
- No upper age limit, and a lower age limit of 18
- Observers and partners welcome
- 50% discount for partners not participating in class (see fees)
The courses at Chateau d’Aix are open to full-time piano students and proficient amateurs. Each class takes 12 participants. Highly skilled amateurs may put themselves forward for the Advanced Class.
Teaching is conducted principally through master classes. Advanced pianists will be familiar with this format, but for amateurs it should be stressed how supportive the classes are, and how enlightening it can be to listen to others. Participants develop considerably in skill and confidence during the course. This transformation in enabled by the unique ambience of Music at Chateau d’Aix: the inspiring and sympathetic teaching, the setting, the mix of ages and nationalities and the conviviality of mealtimes.
Dates and Tutors
Course 1: Piano – 21-28 July – Paul Roberts, Charles Owen
Course 2: Piano – 29 July - 5 August – Paul Roberts, Stefan Bojsten
Course 3: Piano – 8-15 August – Paul Roberts, Janneke Brits
Course 3: Theatre – 7-15 August – On Course 3 the Theatre course runs parallel with the Piano course but begins a day earlier on Thursday 7 August.
This year we are pleased to welcome pianist and teacher Lefki Karpodini from Greece, who will be teaching with Paul and Charles on Course 1. James Kreiling and Diane Baxter will be joining us on courses 2 and 3 respectively.
For Theatre Tutors see Theatre page
Pianos and Practising
There are two grands in the main teaching/recital room and one grand in the second teaching room. These can be booked for practice out of class hours (7-10am, 2-4pm and after dinner). We have 4 further practice rooms with uprights, and six digitals with weighted keyboards that are perfect for private practice at any time of day or night with headphones.
Advanced Class Repertoire 2025
Advanced pianists are invited to bring any large-scale works, 18th to 20th century (or indeed beyond). In addition there will be an emphasis on the music of Ravel as 2025 is a major Ravel anniversary (born 1875).
Intermediate Class Repertoire 2025
The minimum requirement is two pieces by any composer that can be comfortably performed in front of others. participants can also bring work in progress. There is no set standard for this class, but most participants are at least AB Grade 8.
Intermediate participants are encouraged to bring a piece by Ravel, with especial emphasis of the four-hand suite, Mother Goose.

Theatre at Chateau d'Aix
A Play in a Week: 7-15 August
A Play in a Week is a unique opportunity for emerging actors to broaden their skills. The project will be led by a team with long experience of directing, acting and teaching in the world of European theatre and will include classes on mask work, rhythm, pure movement and the craft of acting.
The course is open to trainee actors, professional actors and those returning to the profession.
Six actors will participate.
The week will involve intensive rehearsals of a play, culminating in a performance on the final day.
Rehearsals will replicate the conditions of repertory theatre in which plays are learnt and rehearsed ready for public performance in a very short time.
In addition there will be a daily class for actors and pianists to observe each other's work, to explore the common ground between music and theatre, between acting and performing music.
Theatre Tutors
The play will be directed by Oliver Bennett and Florence Roberts, classes led by Wendy Allnutt, Grace Andrews and the artistic director Paul Roberts - full details can be found on the Theatre page.
Theatre Auditions
Applicants should provide a full cv, detailing training and experience. This can be uploaded onto the booking form in pdf format or sent with a covering letter via email: Theatre.Chateau.Daix@gmail.com
The first series of auditions will be via Zoom in April. Full details of the audition requirements will be sent on application, along with details of the play to be performed.

I just want to say how truly affected I have been by the work, space and people that make Chateau d'Aix a reality for artists. Thanks for curating such a week for musicians and actors! Emma Zadow, theatre participant, UK 2024
A typical day
Each day is centred on intensive piano workshops and theatre rehearsals (on Course 3) interspersed with practising, relaxation and meals en plein air. The morning begins at 8am with breakfast on the terrace. Classes and rehearsals from 9am.
Lunch is served outside. Afternoons are free for relaxation by the pool; or there is the option of attending sessions with pianists and actors together. Formal classes begin again at 4pm. The evening begins at 6.30pm with drinks from the bar, followed by a concert and dinner. Each course ends with student performances in the afternoon, followed by the play (Course 3), dinner and a final cabaret.
Every day, every hour of the week I asked is this real? It was just amazing, the teaching, the weather, the food Olga Tomalina, pianist, Sweden 2023

We always anticipate a rapid take-up of places, so applicants should give alternative dates and room preferences if at all possible. We will do our best to accommodate first preferences but this will not always be possible. Flexibility is the key to not being disappointed!
Click on the photos below to enlarge
Chambre la Reine
Chambre la Reine
Chambre biblio
Chambre biblio
Chambre d'Or
Chambre d'Or
Chambre bleue dormitory
Chambre bleue dormitory
Chambre zebra
Chambre zebra
Chambre Marie Antoinette
Chambre Marie Antoinette
Chambre de la tour
Chambre de la tour
Chambre blanche
Chambre blanche
Chambre Cartier-Bresson
Chambre Cartier-Bresson
Chambre Écrivain
Chambre Écrivain
Fees can be paid either in GB pounds or Euros. The prices below, while reflecting the relative comfort and privacy of each room, cover the whole course and not just accommodation
- Marie Antoinette double bed, ensuite bathroom £2835 (3370€)
- La Reine* double bed, ensuite bathroom £2835 (3370€)
- Chambre d’Or* double bed, shared bathroom £2360 (2800€)
- Chambre Blanche* double bed, shared bathroom £2360 (2800€)
- Chambre Biblio twin, shared bathroom £2050 (2430€)
- Maison du parc single bed, shared bathroom £2050 (2430€)
- Chambre Écrivain twin beds, shared bathroom £1935 (2290€)
- Cartier-Bresson single bed, shared bathroom £1830 (2165€)
- Parc mezzanine* double bed, shared bathroom £1830 (2165€)
- Chambre de la tour* double bed, shared bathroom £1830 (2165€)
- Chambre Zébra single bed, shared bathroom £1470 (1730€)
- Chambre Bleue dormitory, 3 beds £1200 (1400€)
- Douve Attic dormitory, 5 beds £1200 (1400€)
* Double rooms marked with an asterisk can be booked as single occupancy at no extra charge
La tour and Zébra have compromised privacy – one room leads off the other, but both are fully private when the door is closed. These rooms are best suited to friends applying together. Zébra is small.
- All prices are per person
- We accept only GB pounds and Euros
- See Booking Form for deposit and payment
- 50% discount for non-participating partners
- 10% discount for observers taking a private room
- Student scholarships available
- Deposit will be returned if booking is cancelled before 1 April
Fees include full accommodation, all meals, refreshments, tuition at every level, and concerts. Table wine from the neighbouring vineyard is served gratis with the evening meal.
A limited number of scholarships are available for student pianists and actors: see booking form
Partners not participating in the courses are welcome to attend all classes and concerts. Or they may choose to relax in the chateau grounds and beside the pool, or spend the day exploring the beautiful Lot region: its wild hillsides, valleys of sunflowers and lavender, and the vineyards producing the famous Cahors wines.
The only extras are for the bar, our local minibus to and from the airport, and one optional outing in the course of the week: the vineyard behind the chateau holds a weekly fête selling its own Cahors wine and regional dishes.
Click on the photos below to enlarge

- Days 1 and 8 are for arrival and departure
- The most convenient airport for Chateau d’Aix is Toulouse Blagnac. Those coming by train will arrive at the railway station Toulouse Matabiau. Either way we organise a minibus direct from the airport with a pick-up at the station
- Participants on the Theatre Course will arrive a day earlier and special arrangements will be in place for pick-ups
- The journey by road from Toulouse to Chateau d’Aix takes 90 minutes. The cost depends on the number of people sharing the minibus bus but in the past this has been around 40€ per head - compared to local taxis which cost around 250€. However, with the huge rise in fuel prices this year we cannot guarantee the low price, but we envisage in the region of 50€
- The bus will depart Toulouse airport no later than 5.30pm on the arrival day. There will be a pick up at the railway station (Toulouse Matabiau) at 5pm. Those arriving on morning or midday flights should plan to spend a few hours in the old city centre and join the bus at the railway station
- Those travelling from outside Europe should fly to Toulouse via London, Paris, Frankfurt or Amsterdam. Those travelling from the UK can also fly into Bergerac (only 60 minutes drive to Chateau d’Aix) where they may hire a car or arrange their own taxi
- Those coming by car should not arrive at the chateau before 5pm
- Refreshments will be served on arrival from 5pm, followed by dinner at 8pm. Classes begin the next morning
- The return bus will depart at 9 in the morning on day 8. So please do not book flights or trains that depart Toulouse before midday